IKHLASlink Secure Takaful
A total protection plan customised to suit your needs
What does this product provide ?
Death / TPD Benefit
One contribution to cover all benefits (inclusive of riders)
Your choice of Investment-linked funds – 3 funds available to choose
Maturity/Surrender benefit – receive balance in the PIA
In force guarantee benefit
Top-Up Option
Partial Cash withdrawal
Surplus Distribution (if any)
*TPD – Total Permanent Disablility
A Total Protection Plan Customised To Suit Your Needs
This should be on your checklist: a protection plan that can be customised to suit your lifestyle as well as your wallet. It could be the solution you are looking for; an affordable plan that covers all of your life and health protection needs that is flexible enough to change with your needs. It is the solution that works with you, for you; an intelligent plan that would also help you to potentially maximise the returns on your hard-earned money.